Mobile Games

Mobile Games Drive 90% of Africa’s Gaming Revenue

A new report on Africa’s gaming industry reveals that 90% of its revenue comes from mobile gaming.

The 2024 Africa Game Developer Survey, with input from 66 studios and 55 indie developers—a 42% rise from last year—shows that 92% of respondents were under 34 years old. However, only 12% of participants were women, highlighting the need for greater inclusivity and diversity within the industry.

South Africa leads the continent in gaming revenue, generating over $110 million between 2020 and 2023. The market is projected to reach $333 million by 2026, driven by mobile gaming and esports. Meanwhile, Nigeria’s gaming market brought in $249 million in 2021, fueled by a tech-savvy youth and a growing esports scene. Kenya, focusing on mobile, AR, VR, and educational games, generated $46 million in the same year.

“The African games industry is thriving, powered by a passionate community and innovation,” said Hugo Obi, founder and CEO of Maliyo Games, the survey organizer. He pointed to milestones like record participation in industry events and collaborations such as Disney’s Iwájú Rising Chef game.

While challenges like limited funding and restricted access to international markets persist, the industry is evolving rapidly. Emerging talents, veteran developers, and community initiatives are building a dynamic ecosystem that showcases Africa’s gaming potential.


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